Interview: Winner of TKI call - The DReSC project

In this interview, we delve into the remarkable achievements of the DReSC Project, recognized as a standout initiative within the CS4NL program's 'Supply Chain Security' call. Spearheaded by Dr. Abhishta (Abhishta Abhishta) and his team from the University of Twente and JADS (Jheronimus Academy of Data Science), this project is dedicated to enhancing cybersecurity across the logistics and healthcare sectors.

Taking a comprehensive approach, the project tackles the unique challenges present in the interconnected realms of healthcare and logistics. Through the development of advanced risk assessments and tailored interventions, the team is strengthening the sectors' ability to anticipate, withstand, and recover from cyber incidents.

With support from the Human Capital Agenda ICT and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat), the DReSC project collaborates closely with key industry partners to proactively identify risks and customize effective security strategies. This collaborative effort is geared towards fortifying vulnerable points within supply chains, thereby significantly reducing susceptibility to cyber threats.

For the complete interview, continue reading below 

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*This project is funded by Health~Holland, among others (and by Top Sector Logistics). 

Interview: Winner of TKI call - The DReSC project

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